Tuesday, March 27, 2012

I'm Getting a Capture Card!

Howdy folks,

I've already mentioned this in the description of a recent video, but I am acquiring a capture card for my Xbox 360!  To put it simply, controllers kick ass in terms of comfort no matter how much better PC gaming is.  So nobody hate me, damn it. xD

I'll also probably not mention this blog for a while, seeing as I have very little freedom this time of year.

Wish me luck,


Tuesday, March 6, 2012

I Have a Blog?

Howdy folks and folkettes,

I figure that I've got plenty more than YouTube videos to bestow upon you, so lo and behold: a blog!  My ultimate goals as a YouTuber are to have a decent community whom I can entertain and inspire and, should I ever get to such a level, to possibly do charity fundraising.  Yay!

That is all far off, though.  For now, this is a blog --  I may or may not put bloggy things on it, but it certainly will allow everyone to keep in touch with me and have an easy bookmark. :D
